Are you using benzoyl peroxide wrong?

BPO for short benzoyl peroxide is the main ingredient in Acne Med and many other acne products. It can be very irritating and completely ineffective if misused. Here are some ways you could be using BPO wrong...

  1. You're using it as a spot treatment. 

Acne starts deep in the pore as a microcomedone three months before you can see it on your skin. When you spot treat, you're only treating what you can see. You're doing nothing for what's brewing under the surface. Spot treatments are not a long term solution for acne; instead, apply benzoyl peroxide all over the face to treat current and future breakouts.

  1. Using it in a cleanser 

Your washing your active ingredient down the drain!

For BPO to kill bacteria, it needs to penetrate the pore where bacteria live and oxygenate/ kill it. For this process to be successful, BPO needs to stay on the skin for hours at a time. I suggest using it at night to avoid photosensitivity. 

  1. Using a moisturizer over the top 

I know It's super drying. You will want a thick heavy cream over the top, but DON'T! 

Moisturizers have a large molecular structure. They are meant to plump the stratum corneum (top layer of skin). Remember, you need BPO to go down to the base of the pore. The oil-based moisturizers will keep your acne-fighting ingredient from killing bacteria.

Instead, use a water-based hydrating gel-like Hydrabalance.

I hope this helps you make more informed decisions! 

If you're suffering from a lack of confidence, book a consultation. I will teach you how to control your acne with targeted corrective facials and a smart custom regimen that works together.

-Molly M.


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